Building the FPGA bitstream and FSBL

This section describes the preparation of the Parallella hardware (=FPGA) project. It is based on and example project containing Processing System (PS) configuration and its connection to Programmable Logic(PL). Epiphany link and HDMI IP cores are placed in PL and connected with PS via the AXI bus. See the following subsection for details.


To view or modify the example project Xilinx PlanAhead (version 14.4 or newer) is required. See Xilinx tools for details.


The project was implemented in Verilog (top level and Epiphany link) and VHDL (HDMI IP core) using planAhead software (version 14.4). The Project can be divided into two main parts:

  1. CPU embedded project (containing the PS configuration and the HDMI IP core)
  2. Epiphany link (providing the interface between the CPU and Epiphany)

Both parts are instantiated in the top level file (parallella_7020_top.v).

Project structure

  1. Parallella__7020_top.v - Top file
  2. Parallella.v - Epiphany link
  3. System_stub.v - CPU embedded project wrapper

Getting the project

The project can be cloned from the Parallella GitHub as follows:

git clone

Processing System Configuration

Cortex A9 configuration

Cortex-A9 peripherals and connections:

Peripheral connection
UART1 MIO 8..9
SD1 MIO 10..15
USB0 MIO 28..39
USB1 MIO 40..51
Enet0 MIO 16..27

Note that the I2C0 peripheral is connected to the EMIO IO controller, thus attached to the PL part of the Zynq chip. The only purpose of doing so is to be able to route this interface through PL to the desired chip pins. To do so signals from this interface (SCL and SDA pins) must be set as external ports in the Embedded Processor project.

In order to connect the Epiphany link to the CPU it is required to derive the AXI bus interface outside the Embedded processor project. To do so the following interfaces have to be enabled and set as external ports:

  1. Master AXI interconnect (M_AXI_GP1)
  2. High performance AXI slave interconnect (S_AXI_HP1)

For audio data transfer it is required to enable the DMA (DMA0) controller and connect it to the axi_spdif_tx peripheral in Progammable Logic.


Note that CPU configuration isn’t written to the bitstream, thus the Processing System is not configured during the bitstream download process. It can only be done with software - generally with the FSBL.


I2C is used during the boot process to set proper voltage in the power management chip. Since I2C is routed through Programmable Logic it must be assure that the bitstream loaded by the FSBL has this feature. If the proper voltage is not set during boot, the Parallella board will consume more power, which may lead to overheating.

Clock configuration

Zynq input clock frequency is 33.333333 MHz, while the CPU clock ratio is set to 6:2:1. Clock configurations are listed in the tables below:

CPU clocks

Device Clock source Clock Frequency [MHz]
CPU ARM PLL 666.666666
DDR DDR PLL 400.000000
QSPI ARM PLL 200.000000
Ethernet IO PLL 125.000000
SD IO PLL 50.000000
UART PLL 50.000000

PL clocks

Clock name Clock Source Clock Frequency [MHz] Peripherals driven
FCLK_CLK0 IO PLL 100.000000 AXI interconnect
FCLK_CLK1 IO PLL 200.000000 AXI Video DMA
FCLK_CLK2 IO PLL 200.000000 HDMI reference clock
FCLK_CLK3 IO PLL 40.000000 Epiphany Link

Programmable Logic Configuration

HDMI support

HDMI support is provided by an IP core from Analog Devices (Analog Devices GitHub). IP cores needed for HDMI support are located in the cf_lib folder. Peripherals used in the Parallella Exeample project, their purpose and connections are listed below.

  1. axi_clkgen (v1.00a) - programmable reference clock for the HDMI transmitter. It is connected to the main AXI bus and provides the reference clock for the axi_hdmi_tx_16b peripheral. It requires a 200MHz input clock (FCLK_CLK2 in the example project)
  2. axi_vdma - dma controller for video data. It is connected to the main AXI bus as slave and to the secondary one as master.
  3. axi_hdmi_tx_16b - video signals generator for the ADV7513 chip. It generates video synchronization signals (HSYNC and VSYNC), pixel clock and delivers video data. It is connected to the main AXI bus and requires a reference clock with proper frequency for the chosen resolution. Video data is transferred to this peripheral with DMA.
  4. axi_spdif_tx - digital audio signal generator. For correct operation it is required to deliver a 12.288135 MHz clock signal to this component. It is connected to the main AXI bus and audio data is delivered using DMA.

To provide the proper clock signal to the spdif peripheral a Xilinx clock generator IP core can be used.


The First Stage Boot Loader code is generated from the Xilinx Software Development Kit.

See the Xilinx wiki and the documents it refers to for more details.